Saturday, February 12, 2011

Matthew 17-19

  1. 17:1-13 Which disciples did Jesus choose to take with him to the high mountain? What was Peter’s reaction when he witnessed the transfiguration?
  2. 17:14-21 Why couldn’t the disciples cure the epileptic boy?
  3. 17:22-23  What distressed the disciples?
  4. 17:24-27  Besides being amazed at Jesus' reading Peter's mind and the fish with a coin in its mouth, what lesson can we learn from Jesus here?
  5. 18:1-5 What is a characteristic of those who want to be part of the kingdom of heaven?
  6. 18:6-9 What would a person deserve who would cause a little child to stumble in his belief?
  7. 18:10-20 How does what Jesus says about the lost sheep relate to His instruction about restoring a church member who sins against another member?
  8. 18:21-35 What recognition will help us forgive others?
  9. 19:1-12 What was the motive for the question about marriage? In the beginning, what was God’s plan for marriage?
  10. 19:13-15  Why would Jesus' disciples respond to the children in this way? How can we be guilty of the same thing?
  11. 19:16-30 How hard is it for the rich to enter heaven?

For Discussion:

  1. 17:14-21 How does our lack of faith limit our ability to do God’s will?
  2. 18:2-14 How would one cause a child to stumble? How might the statement in verse 10 affect the way we view children? How can a little child be lost? As little children, aren't they safe?
  3. 19:16-30 How does Jesus’ response in verse 26 answer the young man’s question in verse 16?

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