Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mark 5 & 6

  1. 5:1-20 In this incident, what do both the demons and Jesus do that you might not expect of them?
  2. 5:21-24, 35-43 What is the significance of Jesus’ command to the girl? What other orders did He give?
  3. 5:25-34 Why was the woman with the issue of blood healed?
  4. 6:1-6 What was stronger than the evidence Jesus’ hometown people saw with their own eyes? What was Jesus’ reaction?
  5. 6:7-13 When Jesus sent out the Twelve, what were they to take with them?
  6. 6:14-29 What was Herod’s attitude toward John before John’s death? What about after his death? (Also see Matthew 14:1-12.)
  7. 6:30-44 What had Jesus’ planned to do when He and the apostles sailed to the other side of the lake? What was His attitude when His plans were changed?
  8. 6:45-52 At least two miracles are recorded in this passage. How are they different from other miracles that Jesus did, which usually involved healing people?
  9. 6:53-56 Identify words in this section that indicate how desperate the crowds were for healing.

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