Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mark 9 and 10

  1. 9:2-13    After the Transfiguration, why did Peter make the suggestion he made? What may have been one of the reasons they kept quiet about His resurrection?
  2. 9:14-29    What was happening as Jesus approached the crowd? What word did the man use that might indicate his lack of faith? (Notice how Jesus repeats it back to him.)
  3. 9:30-32    Why did Jesus not want anyone to know where He was?
  4. 9:33-42    What are the three things Jesus mentioned that are done “in My name”? What does that mean?
  5. 9:43-50    Does Jesus intend for us to cut off offensive hands and feet and pluck out offensive eyes? What teaching technique was He using? How does He describe hell?
  6. 10:1-12    How serious is divorce and re-marriage?
  7. 10:13-16    With what kind of attitude should we receive the kingdom of God?
  8. 10:17-22    What did the young man assume about obtaining eternal life before he asked Jesus the question?
  9. 10:23-31 What did Jesus mean when he taught that those who have left their houses and families will receive a hundredfold in this life?
  10. 10:32-34    Describe the emotions of the disciples and followers as they followed Jesus into Jerusalem. To whom did He reveal the details?
  11. 10:35-45    According to their question, what view of the kingdom did James and John appear to have? What were the cup and baptism that Jesus referred to?
  12. 10:46-52    Why would the crowd tell Bartimaeus to keep quiet? What was his response to them?

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