Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Break

Because of vacations and other summer obligations, the class that meets on Thursday mornings has decided to take a break for the summer. Since we just finished the lessons on Mark and have not started our study of the Gospel of John yet, this seemed like a natural break point.

We (meaning “I”) have also decided to slow down the pace of the original schedule, which called for three chapters a week toward the end of John. I’ll publish a new schedule and the fall start-up date as soon as I’ve calculated the chapters remaining  in John, Luke, and Acts. It would serve us very well, I think, to take holiday breaks in November and December and extend the study through the spring of 2012. I’ll also publish the Gospel of John Study Guide as soon as it’s complete.

I plan to resume these posts in the late summer – probably mid to late August.

Hope to see you then!


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