Saturday, September 3, 2011

John 1 and 2 Questions

  1. 1:1-5 What do you discover about the Word in this passage? Who is He?
  2. 1:6-9 Who was the man sent from God? What was his purpose?
  3. 1:10-13 What is the contrast between those who were “His own” and “children of God”?
  4. 1:14-18 Because of the character of the Word, what can we also know about God the Father? (See verses 14 and 17.)
  5. 1:19-28 How did John identify himself in verse 23? How did he answer the Pharisees’ question about baptism? (Also see verse 31.)
  6. 1:29-34 With what two expressions does John identify Jesus in verses 29 and 34?
  7. 1:35-42 By what names is Jesus known in this passage? What progression in thinking do you see in Andrew, according to how he refers to Jesus?
  8. 1:43-51 More identities of Jesus! By what names and/or descriptions is he known in this passage?
  9. 2:1-8 First Sign. When this wedding took place, how many days had passed since John identified Jesus as the Lamb of God (1:29)?
  10. 2:9-11 What were the quantity (v. 6) and quality of the wine Jesus produced from water?
  11. 2:12-17 When was another time Jesus cleansed the temple? (See Mark 11:12-17.)
  12. 2:18-24 What sign would demonstrate that Jesus had the authority to cleanse the temple? Why didn’t Jesus “entrust” (NIV) himself to the crowd?

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