Sunday, December 4, 2011

John 20 and 21

  1. 20:1-10 From this passage, how would you answer someone who said that either the body was stolen, or that Jesus never really died? (Corresponding passages in the other gospels are Matthew 27:57 – 28:10; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12.) Comments: 1) The men and women who came to the grave were amazed that Jesus’ body was gone. If anyone had stolen it, it would have been those who went on to preach His resurrection, i.e. Peter and John. 2) He had been buried with 100 pounds of spices and wrapped in linen cloths. If he had just swooned and woken up in the tomb, he would have had to tear open the weighted grave clothes and push away the heavy stone. 3) There was a guard at the tomb. 4) If the body had been stolen, the thieves would have either taken the wrappings or unwrapped the body. It’s not likely they would have carefully laid the wrapping back in place.
  2. 20:11-18 What were Jesus’ instructions to Mary, once she recognized Him? Comments: 1) Do not cling to me. We weren’t sure whether this was a physical or emotional clinging or how it connected with his ascension. 2) Go tell my brethren and tell them I’m ascending to your Father and My Father and your God and My God.
  3. 20:19-23 What blessings did Jesus give the disciples when He appeared to them? Comments: v. 19 – “Peace be with you.” v. 21 – “Peace to you.” v. 22 – He breathed on them, imparting the Holy Spirit, much like God breathed life into the first man, and made him a living spirit (Genesis 2:7). This is ultimately fulfilled in Acts 2, when the apostles received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in languages they’d never studied. Note: Jesus also gave them responsibilities with the blessings: v. 21 “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
  4. 20:24-31 What caused Thomas to believe? What is the source of our faith? Comments: Thomas saw the risen Lord for himself. We believe without seeing (verse 29). Verse 31 – These things are written, so that we might believe, which ties in with Romans 10:17: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
  5. 21:1-6 Where did Jesus appear to some of the disciples? List the disciples. Comments: At the Sea of Tiberius, on the shore. Present there were Simon Peter, Nathanael, Thomas (the Twin), the sons of Zebedee (James and John), and two other disciples, unnamed.
  6. 21:7-14 How did the disciple whom Jesus loved know it was Jesus on the shore? Comments: We can’t be sure, but he identified Him as Jesus after the man on the shore told them their fishing would be successful if they merely cast the nets on the other side of the boat. The catch was so abundant it had to be Jesus that had caused it. Note: Notice how – typical of their personalities -- John had the first insight, but it was Peter who took action.
  7. 21:15-19 Is there any significance in Jesus asking Peter three times if he loved Him? What responsibility did Jesus give to Peter? Comments: It was the same number of times that Peter had denied him. He also gave Peter a responsibility, stated three different times in slightly different combinations of the same words: “Feed my lambs; tend my sheep; feed my sheep.” He also told Peter that his death would glorify Christ.
  8. 21:20-25 In this account, what were Jesus’ last words to Peter? Comments: Simply, “Follow me.” Our concern should not be to judge the salvation, or even guess the future, of other disciples. Our duty is simply to “follow Him.”


  1. I hadn't thought before, that Jesus questioned Peter the same number of times he betrayed him. That's really interesting. It's truly awesome how complete the Bible is... so many stories intertwined, completing full circles, fitting in with each other in a mysterious way. It just gets deeper the more you look at it.

  2. Hi, Yvonne! Thanks for the comment. You described so well the reason we benefit from reading and studying the same passages over and over again -- there's always something there we hadn't appreciated before.
