Read Acts 17:1-15; 1 Thessalonians 1
- 1:1 Who was with Paul when he wrote this epistle?
Class Answers: Silvanus (Roman name for Silas) and Timothy. See also 2 Corinthians 1:19; Acts 15:22; Acts 15:40 and Acts 16:1,2. Note: I’m not sure of the significance, but it’s interesting to note that Paul addresses this letter not to the church in Thessalonica, but the “church of the Thessalonians,” which is in keeping with the personal nature of the rest of the letter. Note also his common greeting: Grace (Hebrew hesed) and Peace (Hebrew shalom). - 1:2-3 When Paul mentioned the Thessalonians in his prayers, what did he remember about them?
Class Answers: Their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. The words work, labor, and steadfastness, indicate a progression: from activities of work to exhaustive labor to persevering. Faith, love, and hope are also reflective of the closing verse of 1 Corinthians 13. Hope as the last word in the series indicates Paul’s theme for the letter. Note also the words constantly and always. - 1:4 What did Paul know about the Thessalonians?
Class Answers: That God had chosen them, as shown in verses 6-9. It was the general consensus of the discussion that God does not choose us against our free will. If he did, what would be the use of all the instructions in the New Testament? It may be like one of us “choosing” all those with brown hair. Likewise, God chooses all those who choose to accept his offer of salvation. For more about election, or how God has chosen followers, see 2 Peter 1:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Romans 9:11; 11:5,7,28; and my favorite, Ephesians 1:4. - 1:5 How had the gospel come to the Thessalonians?
Class Answers: In word, in power (See Romans 1:16), in the Holy Spirit, with full conviction.
Note: Another question might be asked here: What did the Thessalonians know? Answer: What kind of people the evangelists were. - 1:6 How did the Thessalonians receive the word? (What is the word?)
Class Answers: With joy (in spite of persecution), inspired by the Holy Spirit. Persecution is temporary; joy is eternal. See also Acts 16:25; 5:41; Galatians 5:22. - 1:7 What was the result of the way they received the word?
Class Answer: They became an example (NIV: model) to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Greek word for example, or model, is tupoß (tupos), which is defined as “the pattern in conformity to which a thing must be made” (NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon). - 1:8 What two things had sounded forth, or gone out, from the Thessalonians? How are these two things different?
Class Answers: 1) The word of the Lord (that comes from the Lord) – the Truth. 2) Their faith in God – Living the Truth. - 1:9 From whom had Paul and his companions heard of the success of the Thessalonians?
Class Answers: From the people in Macedonia and Achaia. Apparently, the Gentiles in the region were talking about changes the Gentiles in Thessalonica had made in their pagan lifestyles. - 1:9 What kind of change did the gospel make in the lives of the Thessalonians?
Class Answers: They had turned away from idols to serve a living and true God. They hadn’t just added another god to their worship. Also note that this was a conscious desire to serve only one God – which resulted in their abandoning idol worship. They weren’t just running away from paganism; they were drawn to God. - 1:10 For what were the Thessalonians waiting?
Class Answers: For Jesus, for God’s Son from heaven. See Romans 8:25; this waiting is a “sustained expectation.” - 1:10 What does Paul write about the coming of Jesus?
Class Answers: That he will come from heaven and that he will rescue us from the wrath that is coming. See Romans 1:18; Ephesians 5:6. Thus we are motivated by both fear and gratitude.
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