Studies in Acts, Lesson 1
- Who wrote the book? Why do you think so? (See Luke 1:3.)
Comments: Luke. Because the writer mentions writing a previous book, and both Luke and Acts are addressed to Theophilus. Acts seems to be a continuation of the gospel of Luke.
- Is everything that Jesus taught recorded in the New Testament?
Comments: Certainly not every word he said was recorded. According to John 21:25, all the books in the world could not have recorded all he did. That must be true of the things he said, too. We have to believe, however, that the gospel writers wrote down everything he wants us to know. Acts 20:35 mentions a teaching of Jesus that is not found in the gospels: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
- What question did the apostles ask Jesus on His last day on earth? Do you think there is anything strange about this question?
Comments: v. 6 – Are you going to restore the kingdom of Israel? After Jesus’ emphasis that his kingdom was not of this world, they were still looking for the restoration of David’s physical kingdom. After all, Jesus was his descendant.
True or False
- The filling of the office of Judas happened while there were 120 present.
True – 1:15
- Isaiah said, "Let his habitation be made desolate, and let no man dwell herein, and his office let another take." False – 1:20. It was David, in Psalms.
- Judas pointed Jesus out to His enemies by kissing Him. True – Luke 22:47-48; Acts 1:16
- There was but one direct qualification given for an apostle. True – 1:21,22
- The apostles knew even before Pentecost that they were to preach the resurrection of Christ. True – 1:22; Mark 16:15
- God was the one who chose Matthias. True – 1:23-26
Short Answers
- Be able to recite from memory the names of the twelve Apostles.
Comments: From Matthew 10:2-4 – Simon Peter and Andrew; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew; James the Son of Alphaeus and Thaddeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. In the list in Acts 12:13-14, Judas Iscariot is not mentioned, and Thaddeus is called Judas son of James.
- Where do you think the apostles were on the Day of Pentecost?
Comments: In a room in the temple. It seems reasonable that that’s where they would have gathered on Pentecost. It would also accommodate all the Jews that gathered around the apostles.
- What miraculous manifestations occurred at this time?
Comments:1) The sound of a mighty (violent) wind filled the house;
2) What looked like divided tongues of fire rested on each of them.
3) They began to speak in other languages. (2:2-3)
- What kind of Jews were present at Pentecost? In general, where were they from?
Comments: They were devout (God-fearing) Jews from “every nation under heaven.”
- Were there mockers in the group? How did Peter answer them?
Comments: v. 13 – They accused the apostles of having drunk too much wine. v. 13 – Peter answered that it couldn’t be so; it was only nine in the morning! One commentary mentioned that it was too early even to have broken the fast from the night before.
- In your own words, state the four points that Peter gave in the opening words of his sermon (vss. 22-24).
a) Jesus of Nazareth proved he was from God by his miracles, wonders, and signs.
b) He was handed over to you, just as God had planned.
c) You, helped by wicked men, crucified him.
d) But God raised him from the dead.
- Why did the words of 2:36 cause such an impact upon those who heard? What was their immediate reaction?
Comments: They realized they had killed the Messiah. They were cut to the heart – it was a painful realization. They asked if there was anything they could do about it.
- What was Peter’s instruction to these men?
Comments: Repent and be baptized in the name of Christ for the forgiveness of sin. He also made the promise that they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which could include not only being sealed by the Holy Spirit, as in Ephesians 1:13-14, but also the fruits of the Spirit, listed in Galatians 5:22-24.
- What is meant by the expression “as many as received his word”?
Comments: Those who accepted his message – believed him.
- List five things that happened to a group of the devout Jews on Pentecost that were the direct result of Peter's sermon. (2:37-41)
a) They were cut to the heart – v. 37
b)They repented – v. 38
c) They were baptized for the forgiveness of sins – vv. 38, 41
d) They received the gift of the Holy Spirit – v. 38
e) They were added to the apostles’ number – they became disciples.
- Do any of the scriptures in the remainder of the lesson set or establish a pattern that we today should practice? If so, what? List them.
Comments: v. 42 – They were devoted to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. vv. 44-45 – They shared what they had with each other; they were generous. v. 46 – They continued to meet together, praising God, and enjoying favor with the community.
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