Friday, January 25, 2013

Galatians 1

  1. 1:1 Why should the Galatians listen to Paul?
    Class Answers: 1) Because he was appointed by God, not man. 2) Because he was an apostle; he had seen the risen Christ.
  2. 1:2 Identify the churches of Galatia. (Acts 13, 14)
    Class Answers: Perga of Pamphyllia (Acts 13:13); Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:14); Iconium (Acts 13:51); Derbe and Lystra in Lycaonia (Acts 14:6-8). Paul was also in Attalia (Acts 14:24-26), which was a seaport, but there’s no indication that he started a church there.
  3. 1:3-7 What is this “different gospel? Why is it really not a gospel? (What does “gospel” mean?)
    Class Answers: According to Acts 15:1, men from Judea were telling Antioch Christians, “You can’t be saved without circumcision.” In other words, Gentiles must submit to the Old Law before they can follow Christ. This is not a gospel – or good tidings – because it negates the cross of Christ, which made the Old Law unnecessary.
  4. 1:8-9 What will be the consequence of preaching another gospel?
    Class Answers: KJV – Anathema. Other versions: Eternal condemnation – which makes teaching the gospel a serious responsibility.
    Note: The word anathema is oddly derived from a word that means “to consecrate or devote.” Anything devoted to God could not be redeemed and therefore would be destroyed. So the word came to mean “devoted to destruction.” Idols were “anathema,” or banned, in Deuteronomy 7:26. Where the NASV uses the word banned, the ASV calls it “a devoted thing”; the KJV translates it as “cursed thing”; and the NIV translates it “set apart for destruction.”
  5. 1:10 What principle can we learn from verse 10?
    Class Answers: If our aim is to please men, we can’t also be servants (or slaves) of Christ.
  6. 1:11 Paul calls the Galatians “brothers.” Why might this be significant, seeing they have “deserted” the gospel?
    Class Answers: 1) Even though they seem to be accepting false doctrine, they are still part of the spiritual family. 2) To demonstrate that he hadn’t deserted them. 3) The gospel is for all, received by grace.
    Note: According to John Stott’s The Message of Galatians, the Greek word translated deserting (v. 6) means to transfer one’s allegiance.
  7. 1:12, 15-17 Why does Paul emphasize the lack of any man’s influence on him?
    Class Answers: In order for the Judaizers to discredit Paul’s message, they had to discredit him. His emphasis on his calling from God gave him the same credibility as the other apostles.
    More questions: How did Saul spend his time in Arabia? Did he receive private instruction directly from Christ at this time? Was he re-studying the Hebrew scriptures, viewing them in light of this new revelation? How could anyone know? It is interesting that the three years he spent before seeing Peter is the same time period the other apostles had spent in Jesus’ presence.
  8. 1:13-14 Considering the consequences of his decision, how could Saul of Tarsus make such a radical change?
    Class Answers: Paul’s aim had always been to please God, not men. As soon as he knew the truth about Jesus, he was willing to change – and not privately – though, as pointed out in the previous question – he seemed to prepare for this for a long time. According to verse 16, he also knew from the beginning that God had a plan for him. Paul had the courage that comes from a sense of purpose. See also Acts 9:9-16.
  9. 1:18-20 Why might Paul choose to visit Peter instead of one of the other apostles?
    Class Answers: 1) Peter was recognized as a leader in the early church. 2) Peter also had a great zeal for God. 3) Peter had been part of Jesus’ inner circle of apostles. 4) Paul had been called by God to preach to the Gentiles, but, as recorded in Acts 10, God had revealed the plan to Peter that the Gentiles were included in His plan.
  10. 1:21-24 What was the response of the churches in Syria and Cilicia to Paul?
    Class Answers: The verses here don’t say. They do say that when the churches in Judea heard the report, they praised God because of Paul.
    Note: This question should have asked about the churches of Judea, not Syria and Cilicia. Also note: Cilicia was Paul’s home territory. I’m not sure if we read anywhere what their response was to his conversion.

Choose a verse from Chapter 1 to memorize.
Class Choices: 1:3; 1:6-7; 1:8; 1:10

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