- 5:1 What is the “yoke of slavery”?
Class Answers: As a class member pointed out, the verse (in most versions) reads “a yoke of slavery,” so she answered (if I remember right) that this was any type of reliance on our ability to keep the law. In the context of Galatians, the particular “yoke of slavery” or “yoke of bondage” Paul is addressing is the Old Law. See also Acts 15:6-11, especially vs. 10, and Galatians 2:4.
R. C. Bell compares it to a new master buying a slave and telling him, “I have bought you to set you free.” The slave wouldn’t think about going back to his former cruel master. - 5:2-4 Why does Paul condemn circumcision?
Class Answers: He doesn’t condemn circumcision per se, but he does condemn having it done in order to gain approval from God. To be circumcised for religious reasons is to reinstate the Old Law, to subject oneself to the Old. Law. Circumcision is not part of the Law of Christ.
Again, to quote R. C. Bell from his book Studies in Galatians (pg. 61-62): “Christian freedom has both a negative and positive aspect. Men are freed from some things and freed for other things…. God has worked out a unique plan by which Christ’s slave becomes his own master! Christ gets the essential law of life obeyed, human nature fulfilled, and his slave in possession of life abounding—all this without slavish drudgery or ‘dragging of feet’ on the part of the slave.” - 5:5-6 What two manifestations of faith are mentioned here?
Class Answers:
v. 5 – We eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. See Romans 8:23. John Stott (The Message of Galatians) points out that we wait for it, we don’t work for it; Bell compares this hope to the crown of righteousness Paul mentions in 2 Timothy 4:8.
v. 6 – Faith works through love. See John 13:34,35. A motive of love means we go beyond what the Law would demand. - 5:7-8 What does it mean to “obey the truth”?
Class Answers: Stott writes that it means applying belief to behavior. Obeying the truth means we subject ourselves to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. From Ed Wharton’s The Constitution of Christian Freedom: Legalism hinders submission: I have to do what is required, or commanded, nothing more. - 5:6-12 List 7 fallacies of legalism mentioned here. (Legalism: The effort to be justified through keeping the law.)
Class Answers:
v. 6 – In Christ, keeping the law means nothing. (NIV: It has no value.)
v. 7 – It prevents us from obeying the truth, hinders our submission.
v. 8 – It doesn’t come from Christ, the one who calls us.
v. 9 – It affects others in the body. Wharton: It leavens the church with disobedience. Bell: This powerless form of religious would destroy the life of the church.
v. 10 – It confuses us. Wharton: causes trouble.
v. 11 – It abolishes (removes) the offense of the cross. The “offense of the cross” reflects back to Galatians 3:13 and the shame of the cross. How could we worship a God who was not only killed but went through a humiliating, excruciating death at the hands of lesser men?
v. 12 – It agitates, unsettles new Christians. Wharton: It mutilates the body. - 5:13-15 Freedom in Christ gives us freedom to love one another and serve God. NOT to sin! It’s freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.
Bell (pg. 66): “As the character of Christ proves, law itself and love are not incompatible; Pharisaic legalism, not law, is what contradicts gospel grace, truth, and love.” - 5:16-18 What conflict is described here?
Class Answers: The conflict between the Spirit and the flesh (NIV – sinful nature). [I didn’t write down anyone else’s answer. Feel free to put a better explanation in the comment section.] Comment from Bell’s book: Flesh is not sinful; it’s just how Satan reaches us.
We also had a discussion about whether or not we can be led by the Spirit without the Word. See Galatians 5:5; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 10:17. The general consensus was that only the Word can reveal the will of God, but the indwelling Spirit helps us to carry out His will. When we follow our best impulses – which we can identify as “best” because of what the Spirit has revealed in the Word – we allow the Spirit to guide us. - 5:19-21 Below is the list of “acts of the sinful nature” from the NIV. Beside each word, write a synonym, either from another version or a dictionary.
Class Answers:
sexual immorality – fornication, adultery (NKJ)
impurity – uncleanness
debauchery – licentiousness, lewdness, indulgence
Note: These first three are also condemned in the 7th of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:14)
idolatry – worship of an image or other material object representing a deity
witchcraft – sorcery, magic
Note: Idolatry and witchcraft also break the 1st of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:2-3).
hatred – enmities, hostility, animosity
discord – strife, contentions, quarreling
jealousy – resentment against a rival or against another’s success. It occurs when someone else wants to take something I own.
fits of rage – anger, wrath, outbursts of anger
selfish ambitions – quarrels, factions, disputes
dissensions –strong disagreements, contentions or quarrels, discord
factions – heresies, a party spirit (Stott), “a feeling that everyone else is wrong except those in your own little group” (New Living Translation)
envy – a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to antoher’s advantages, success, possessions. Having to do with wanting other people’s things.
Note: These have to do with our relationships with others, which would be covered in the 10th commandment (Exodus 20:17) and Leviticus 19:17-18 – “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
drunkenness – given to intoxication
orgies – carousing, revelries
Note: Don’t overlook the “and the like” at the end of this passage. Legalism would say “If it’s not on the list, it’s not sin.” Wharton: We can make our own list. We know the difference between what is good and what is sin. - 5:21 What is the result of such a lifestyle?
Class Answer: Loss of inheritance in the kingdom of God. - 5:22-25 Some would look at these verses as a to-do list as opposed to the “do-not” list in verses 19-21. How do we develop these attributes?
Class Answers: By crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires, following the Spirit’s guide, not just by moral discipline. It is all based on love. Without love, the rest is not possible. Bell: The Holy Spirit is the only tree that produces this fruit.
It is not a to-do list but is rather what we can reap when we follow the Spirit rather than our selfish desires. - 5:26 How does our opinion of ourselves affect the way we treat others?
Class Answer: Being self-centered leads to competition and envy.
Choose a verse from Chapter 5 to memorize (or to post in a prominent place).
Verses chosen were Galatians 5:13b,14; 5:22; and 5:25.
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