Sunday, December 4, 2011

John 20 and 21

  1. 20:1-10 From this passage, how would you answer someone who said that either the body was stolen, or that Jesus never really died? (Corresponding passages in the other gospels are Matthew 27:57 – 28:10; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12.) Comments: 1) The men and women who came to the grave were amazed that Jesus’ body was gone. If anyone had stolen it, it would have been those who went on to preach His resurrection, i.e. Peter and John. 2) He had been buried with 100 pounds of spices and wrapped in linen cloths. If he had just swooned and woken up in the tomb, he would have had to tear open the weighted grave clothes and push away the heavy stone. 3) There was a guard at the tomb. 4) If the body had been stolen, the thieves would have either taken the wrappings or unwrapped the body. It’s not likely they would have carefully laid the wrapping back in place.
  2. 20:11-18 What were Jesus’ instructions to Mary, once she recognized Him? Comments: 1) Do not cling to me. We weren’t sure whether this was a physical or emotional clinging or how it connected with his ascension. 2) Go tell my brethren and tell them I’m ascending to your Father and My Father and your God and My God.
  3. 20:19-23 What blessings did Jesus give the disciples when He appeared to them? Comments: v. 19 – “Peace be with you.” v. 21 – “Peace to you.” v. 22 – He breathed on them, imparting the Holy Spirit, much like God breathed life into the first man, and made him a living spirit (Genesis 2:7). This is ultimately fulfilled in Acts 2, when the apostles received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in languages they’d never studied. Note: Jesus also gave them responsibilities with the blessings: v. 21 “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
  4. 20:24-31 What caused Thomas to believe? What is the source of our faith? Comments: Thomas saw the risen Lord for himself. We believe without seeing (verse 29). Verse 31 – These things are written, so that we might believe, which ties in with Romans 10:17: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
  5. 21:1-6 Where did Jesus appear to some of the disciples? List the disciples. Comments: At the Sea of Tiberius, on the shore. Present there were Simon Peter, Nathanael, Thomas (the Twin), the sons of Zebedee (James and John), and two other disciples, unnamed.
  6. 21:7-14 How did the disciple whom Jesus loved know it was Jesus on the shore? Comments: We can’t be sure, but he identified Him as Jesus after the man on the shore told them their fishing would be successful if they merely cast the nets on the other side of the boat. The catch was so abundant it had to be Jesus that had caused it. Note: Notice how – typical of their personalities -- John had the first insight, but it was Peter who took action.
  7. 21:15-19 Is there any significance in Jesus asking Peter three times if he loved Him? What responsibility did Jesus give to Peter? Comments: It was the same number of times that Peter had denied him. He also gave Peter a responsibility, stated three different times in slightly different combinations of the same words: “Feed my lambs; tend my sheep; feed my sheep.” He also told Peter that his death would glorify Christ.
  8. 21:20-25 In this account, what were Jesus’ last words to Peter? Comments: Simply, “Follow me.” Our concern should not be to judge the salvation, or even guess the future, of other disciples. Our duty is simply to “follow Him.”

Friday, November 18, 2011

John 18 and 19

  1. 18:1-14 What incidents in this passage indicate Jesus’ willingness to give Himself to die? Class Comments: v. 4 – He knew what was going to happen, and “went forward” to meet Judas and the soldiers. v. 5 – He told them, “I am He.” v. 8 – Again, he told them, “I am He,” and to let his disciples go their way. v. 11 – To Peter, after he cut off the ear of Malchus, “Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?”
  2. 18:15-27 When Annas asked Jesus about His disciples and His teaching, how did Jesus answer? Class Comments: “I spoke openly – why ask me? Ask those who heard me.” Jesus was not some secret political insurrectionist. Everything he did, he did in the open. He also knew they already knew what he was teaching.
  3. 18:28-32 What charges did the Jews bring against Jesus before Pilate? According to verse 31, what was their ultimate purpose? Class Comments: They brought no specific charges – just accused him of being an evildoer. They just wanted him dead and out of their way. Note on verses 31-32: In executions, the Jews stoned; the Romans crucified. Jesus’ death on a Roman cross was part of God’s plan. Irony in verse 28: While being careful about their ability to partake of the Passover lamb, they were crucifying the Passover Lamb.
  4. 18:33-40 What is the nature of the Jesus’ kingdom? Class Comments: It’s a spiritual kingdom, not of this world. Because of the nature of the kingdom, Christians are never a threat to governments, which are ordained of God – even if they are perceived as such because of their godly lives. Irony in verse 28: Pilate asks “What is truth?” while looking at Truth in the face.
  5. 19:1-16 What was Pilate afraid of? Class Comments: v. 8 – That he would be responsible for killing the Jewish God. Note: I don’t think we can surmise from this passage that he was afraid of killing the Son of the God of creation. As an idolater, though, he might have had some fear of killing A god. v.12 – He may have been afraid of killing a god, but he was more afraid of losing his position with the Emperor, Tiberius. Note: Verse 6 has been called “the strangest victory in history.” Also, more irony in 9:15 – “We have no king but Caesar,” especially in light of 8:33, when they claimed to be enslaved to no man.
  6. 19:17-27 Briefly describe the actions of 1) the chief priests; 2) Pilate; 3) the soldiers; 4) the women. Class Comments: 1) The chief priests objected to the writing on the cross, that Jesus was King of the Jews. 2) Pilate inscribed that title. 3) The soldiers crucified Jesus and divided his garments among themselves (and thereby fulfilling the prophecy of Psalm 22:18); 4) The women stood by the cross.
  7. 19:28-30 What were Jesus’ last words before His death, according to John’s account? What did He mean? Class Comments: Two outbursts: “I am thirsty!” and “It is finished.” The prophecies in Scripture had been fulfilled; His earthly mission was accomplished. The Greek word for “finished” is used to mean “the debt is paid in full.” It is the same term used when someone reaches the top of a mountain.
  8. 19:31-37 What two scriptures were fulfilled in this passage? Class Comments: Verse 36 – “His bones will not be broken” is a description of the Passover lamb in Exodus 12:46 and Numbers 9:12 as well as a possible prophecy of the Messiah in Psalm 34:20. Verse 37 – “They shall look on Him whom they pierced” is a quote from Zechariah 12:10. The mourning described in Zechariah 12:10 is fulfilled in Luke 23:48.
  9. 19:38-42 Who buried Jesus? What did each man provide? (Also see Matthew 27:60.) Class Comments: Joseph of Arimathea took the body and provided a clean linen cloth for burial. According to Matthew 27:59-60, he also provided the tomb. Nicodemus brought 75 pounds of spices – myrrh and aloes. Both men had been secret disciples. Both had the wherewithal and position to provide a burial place for their Savior and used them.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

John 15, 16, and 17

  1. 15:1-8 What is necessary before we can bear fruit? What do you think it means to bear fruit?
    Class comments: In order to bear fruit, we must first be part of the vine. We must be one with Christ. We can’t do it alone.
    Bearing fruit includes taking opportunities to teach others, being educated in the Word, showing others we care.
    Galatians 5:22-23 identifies the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

  2. 15:9-17 What commands does Jesus give in this passage? Obeying his commands makes us _________, not ________.
    Class comments: All the commands in this passage have to do with love. Verse 9: “Abide in my love.”
    Verse 12: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
    Verse 17: “Love one another.”
    In verse 15, Jesus told the disciples that no longer would he call them servants, but friends. Since he’s addressing the disciples, it’s possible that that friendship was limited to those he had spent so much time with, and to whom he had revealed himself.
    On the other hand, might not the same principle apply to us? “You are my friends if you do what I command you.”
    Being a friend of Jesus doesn’t mean we no longer serve him. If we are his friends, we will want to please him and therefore would serve him out of love, not out of duty.

  3. 15:18-26 Who was Jesus talking about when he refers to the “world”?
    Class comments:
    Human systems that oppose God’s purpose; those who don’t recognize Jesus as the Savior.
    Second question: “What would they do to the Christians?” They would 1) Hate the disciples (v. 19) and 2) Persecute them (v. 20). They would also hate the Son and the Father (v. 23).
    Note from FHU class: 5 Major Reasons Christians Were Hated (5 Accusations)
    a. They were arsonists (blamed by Nero) – 2 Peter 3:10
    b. They were atheists (didn’t believe in gods) – Acts 17
    c. They broke up families (love me more…) – Matthew 10:34,35
    d. They were cannibals (“Eat my body, drink my blood”) – John 6; 1 Cor. 11:24,25
    e. They were Immoral (they celebrated with love feasts) – Jude 1:12
  4. 16:1-4 Who are “they”? Why would they persecute believers? Consider: Is conscience a safe guide when it comes to our religious beliefs?
    Class comments:  “They” refers to the Jewish leaders and Romans. They wanted to get rid of the things believers taught. Jesus was a threat to them. A conscience is useful to us only if it’s been trained in the Word – the only absolute standard.
  5. 16:5-15 Who is this “Helper” or “Comforter” that Jesus talked about? What purpose will He serve? Of what three things will He convict the world?
    Class comments: The Holy Spirit would guide the disciples to all truth, to convict  them of sin, righteousness, and the judgment.
    The different translations gave us different understandings of verses 8-11. The NASV uses the phrase “convict the world of guilt,” whereas the other translations read merely “convict the world,” which could also carry the connotation of “convince.”
    In Strong’s, the definition of the Greek word is
    to convict, refute, confute 1) generally with a suggestion of shame of the person convicted; 2) by conviction to bring to the light, to expose. Note: The People’s New Testament explains it more simply than some of the other commentaries.
  6. 16:16-24 What does Jesus mean when he tells them they won’t see him, but then they will? To what does he compare it?
    Class comments: His death and resurrection. Like a woman in labor, they would suffer distress at his leaving them and because of his trial and crucifixion, but his resurrection would be like the birth of a child. Out of grief will come joy.
  7. 16:25-33 Jesus spoke of peace in this passage. From verses 27, 32, and 33, what are possible sources of this peace?
    Class comments: v. 27 – The Father loves us (Greek phileo); v. 32 – The Father would be with the Son when all others have scattered; v. 33 – Jesus has overcome the world.
  8. 17:1-5 What was Jesus’ prayer for Himself? According to verse 2, what was the work that Jesus came to do?
    Class comments: He prayed the glorify the Son. He came to give eternal life to those God had given Him.
  9. 17:6-19 What did Jesus ask for on behalf of the men that God had given Him?
    Class comments: He prayed 1) that they would all be one (11); 2) that they would have His joy (13); 3) that they would be kept from the evil one (15); 4) that they would be sanctified in the Truth (17).
  10. 17:20-26 For whom did Jesus pray in these verses? What did He pray for?
    Class comments: He prayed for those who would believe through the apostles’ words (us!). He prayed that we would be one (v. 21); that we would be in unity, so that the world would know that God sent Christ (v. 23); that we would be with him where he his, to behold His glory (v. 24); that His love would be in us.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

John 13 and 14

  1. 13:1-17 What did Jesus mean when he told Peter, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me” (vs. 8)? Multiple choice (from The Serendipity Bible):
    a. “I don’t want to share a room with anyone with dirty feet.”
    b. “To be part of me you have to learn to receive.”
    c. “You have to let my coming sacrifice cleanse you from your sin.”
    d. “As long as you live, you will need cleansing and forgiveness.”
    e. “Unless you’re a servant like I am, you can’t be my disciple.”
Class Comments: Most in the class picked “e” as one of their answers, with “b” and “c” as other choices. Note: Peter was very emphatic in his initial refusal. In the Greek, he uses a double negative [οὐ (never) μή (cannot)] for emphasis. The Serendipity Bible includes suggestions for small group studies. As is typical in the multiple questions they suggest, there is not just one right answer.
  1. 13:18-30 Since “Satan entered him,” was Judas responsible for the action he was about to take? Class Comments: Yes, he was. Judas  allowed Satan to influence him, gave him an opening because of his own greed. James 1:14-15 teaches about the progression of sin, from lust to sin to death.
  2. 13:31-35 How can others know we belong to Christ? How many others? How does this relate to 13:14-15? Class Comments:  Others know we belong to Christ when we love one another. All – both believers and unbelievers – will know we are of Christ. Love is demonstrated by our service. Both love and humble service are signs of discipleship. Note: According to Leviticus 19:18, even the Old Testament commanded love for neighbors. According to notes I took in a previous class, William Barclay called this a new commandment because it was “as I have loved you” – selflessly, sacrificially, with understanding and forgiveness.
  3. 13:36-38 Do you think Peter understood that Jesus was speaking of His death, or just of a dangerous situation? Class Comments: He thought it would be just a dangerous situation. The disciples didn’t seem capable of understanding the nature of the kingdom of which Jesus spoke. They still looked for an earthly kingdom, free from Roman bondage. Note: Also from my FHU class notes: Peter was willing to meet a sharp dagger, but later couldn’t withstand the sharp tongue of a maiden (18:17). When Jesus told Peter he couldn’t follow Jesus, the general consensus was that Jesus was talking about the cross, although it could also include his ascension back to the Father.
  4. 14:1-6 Is Jesus the only way, the only truth, the only access we have to life? What does that mean for those who follow other spiritual leaders? Class Comments: If we believe Jesus, we have to believe He is the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life. That means those following mere men  will not gain spiritual, eternal life. When they reject Christ, they reject the way, the truth, and the life. See also Acts 4:12.
  5. 14:7-11 How does Philip’s question indicate his misunderstanding of who Jesus was? Class Comments: He wanted a physical showing of the Father. Since Jesus was a man and could show himself, couldn’t his father also do the same? He seemed to think that Jesus was merely an emissary of God, not the image of God himself. See also Hebrews 1:3.
  6. 14:12-14 In context, what prayer requests is Jesus promising to fulfill? What is the purpose of such prayers? Class Comments: He promises to fulfill prayers asked in His name, according to His purpose, by His authority, for the purpose of glorifying his Father. Prayers for strength, peace, and the ability to carry out his will. Note the context: He is talking about works. He will fulfill the requests that are a continuation of His works.
  7. 14:15-18 How much do the promises about the Holy Spirit in verses 16-18 depend on Jesus’ statement in verse 15? Class Comments: This promise is based on Jesus’ love for us, and our love for Jesus, which we show in our obedience. If Jesus’ love abides in us, we will obey Him; it will be part of our nature to do so. Note: The transliterated Greek word for Comforter in verse 16  is paraclete: one who is called to stand along beside, to help, to advocate on behalf of.
  8. 14:19-24 How do we show Jesus that we love Him? What are the resulting blessings? Class Comments: By obeying him. The resulting blessings are that the Father will also love us, and both the Son and Father will make their abode with us. Question asked: But doesn’t the Father love all of us unconditionally, even those who don’t obey Him? I would answer that this doesn’t exclude God’s love for the whole world, but is an assurance to disciples that the Father will not only love them, but live in them through His Son – an assurance the unbelieving world cannot have.
  9. 14:25-31 To whom was Jesus speaking in this passage? How would the Holy Spirit be a helper to them? Class Comments: He’s speaking to the disciples, those who ate supper with Him (the apostles, Luke 22:14). He would teach them all things, and bring to their remembrance all things – help they would need as they taught others in the first century without the aid of the written word we have. Question: Then would not all the promises he made be only to the apostles? As we briefly surveyed the chapter, it appeared that some of those promises were general in nature. For example, in 13:33-35, verse 33 would have to apply only to the apostles, whereas in 13:34-35 is a principle that would apply to all disciples of every time. A good study for another time!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

John 11 and 12

  1. 11:1-16 Why did Jesus delay in going to take care of Lazarus? Class Comments: V. 4 - So that God – and the Son of God – would be glorified. V. 14 – So that the disciples would believe. Jesus was in Perea at this time – 25-30 miles from Bethany. Even if he had left immediately, Lazarus would have died before he got there. A trip to Jerusalem also meant Jesus would be going to his death. He would go to Jerusalem when the time was right, when “his hour was come.”
  2. 11:17-37 What declaration did both Mary and Martha make when they spoke to Jesus? Why did Jesus weep? Class Comments: “If you had been here, my brother would not have died (verses 21, 32). Jesus saw Mary and the Jews weeping and had compassion on them, like we would have compassion on our children when they’re hurting. Jesus came to take away the sting of death.
  3. 11:38-44 Seventh Sign. According to verse 40, what was dependent on the disciples’ belief? Class Comments: Seeing the glory of God. (See also verse 4.) Those who saw God glorified in the resurrection of Lazarus were those who chose to believe.
  4. 11:45-57 What were the mixed reactions to this miracle? What are some of the different motivations for the Pharisees’ desire to kill Jesus? Class Comments: v. 45 – Some believed in Him; v. 46 – Others went and told the Pharisees. Different motivations? 1) Everyone will believe in him (Envy); 2) The Romans will take away our place and our nation (Fear of losing power and/or security).
  5. 12:1-8 How much did the ointment that Mary used cost in terms of wages? With what and on what did she apply the ointment? Class Comments: A pound (Roman 12 ounces), worth 300 denarii, or a year’s wages. She anointed Jesus’ feet with her hair.  12 ounces of oil would be a cup-and-a-half of liquid – a lot of oil. The room must have been filled with fragrance.
  6. 12:9-11 Why did the Jews come to Bethany? What affect did this have on the chief priests?  Class Comments: To see Jesus – and Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Rather than seeing Lazarus’s resurrection as a cause to believe, the chief priests now saw Lazarus as a threat to their position, and they plotted to kill him as well as Jesus.
  7. 12:12-19 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, describe the different reactions of 1) the great multitude; 2) Jesus’ disciples; and 3) the Pharisees. Class Comments: 1) The multitude went out to meet Jesus, to praise him as the King of Israel, who comes in the name of the Lord . 2) The disciples didn’t understand what was happening, until after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection; 3) The Pharisees were filled with envy and fear: “See? The world has gone after him!”
  8. 12:20-26 Who wanted to speak with Jesus? Summarize Jesus’ reply to the request. Class Comments: Certain Greeks who had come to the feast(Gentile proselytes). When Andrew and Philip pass on their message, Jesus replies, “The hour has come….” Before this, Jesus would say, “My hour is not yet come” (2:4; 7:6; 7:30; 8:20). Is it a coincidence that Jesus declares this after the Gentiles seek him, knowing that in Him the Jews and Gentiles would become one family? He states a principle: A seed can produce only when it dies. This would be true not only of his crucifixion and resurrection but of all those who are buried in baptism and rise to a new life. In verse 26, he also states that if anyone (Jew or Gentile) would serve Him, they must follow Him. Where He is, they will be also. His Father will honor anyone who serves Him.
  9. 12:27-36 According to verses 30-32, what will result from Jesus’ death on the cross? Class Comments: 1) The world will be judged; the ruler of the world will be cast out. See Revelation 12:7-11, which uses the same words: “The great dragon [Satan – the Accuser] was cast out….” When Christ overcame death, he took away the power of death that Satan had over us. 2) Jesus will draw all people to Him (including Gentiles).
  10. 12:37-41 How are two of Isaiah’s prophesies (53:1 and 6:10) fulfilled in this passage? Class Comments: Verse 37 – They did not believe in him. Their hearts were hardened, just as Isaiah had prophesied.
  11. 12:42-50 Relate Jesus being the light to the condemnation of those who do not receive His words. In other words, how would rejecting the light condemn us? Class Comments: When we reject the light, we reject Jesus. And when we reject Jesus, we reject God. Without Jesus, we walk in darkness. Rejecting light means we remain in darkness. Also see 1 John 1:7.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

John 9 and 10

  1. 9:1-41 Sixth Sign. Note the progression of the blind man’s understanding of Jesus’ identity in the following verses:
    Verse 11 -  A man called Jesus
    Verse 17 – A prophet
    Verse 27 – Someone to follow
    Verse 33 – A man from God
    Verse 38 – Lord, worthy of worship
    Discussion: Strangely enough – or maybe not so strange – the man’s faith grew stronger each time the Pharisees asked him a question. Their questioning had the opposite effect of its intention: to destroy faith, rather than build it. It can be good for our faith to be questioned, for then we begin to re-examine the basis for our belief.

  2. 9:13-34 What did the Pharisees do and say that indicates they were looking for evidence to prove that Jesus could not be the Messiah? Discussion: v. 16 – He does not keep the Sabbath; v. 18 – They challenged the miracle by asking the healed man’s parents; v. 24 – They called Jesus a sinner; v. 28 – They claimed ignorance of Jesus’ origin; v. 34 – They cast the man out of the synagogue, as a lesson to others.
  3. 10:1-10 What two identities does Jesus use in this passage? What is His lesson here? Discussion: He is the Shepherd and the Door. His sheep are His own. He leads them, protects them, they recognize His voice, he feeds them, gives them life.
  4. 10:11-21 By what name does Jesus refer to Himself here? Who are the “other sheep”? What power did He say He had over His own death? Discussion: He refers to himself as the Good Shepherd. The “other” sheep are non-Jews – Gentiles. He would lay down his life – for the sheep.
  5. 10:22-30 Who are the Shepherd’s sheep? Does verse 28 teach that once we become His sheep, we’ll never stray? Discussion: His followers – disciples – Christians. No. Verse 28 means that no one else can steal them from His hand, but they can choose to stray, or leave. As long as they choose to stay in the fold, he will protect them from the Evil One, or Satan. But they can choose to “jump the fence.” See 1 John 1:7; Romans 8:37-39; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 10:5,12,13; 2 Peter 2:18-22
  6. 10:31-42 What were two reasons the Jews should have believed that Jesus was the Christ, or the Messiah? Discussion: v. 31 – His good works. v. 37 – His words, credible because of his works. Also, because “I do what my Father Does.”

Thursday, October 6, 2011

John 7 & 8 Class Discussion

  1. 7:1-13 Why did Jesus’ brothers want him to go to the feast in Jerusalem? Why did He decide not to go with them? Class Comments: They wanted him to prove himself. “If you’re so great, why not show it?” They seemed to want a confrontation with the Jewish leaders. He didn’t go with them because it was not yet his time to go. He would go with them on his terms, not theirs. His physical brothers – James, Joses, Simon, and Judas – are listed in Matthew 13:55. Though at this time they did not believe, the crucifixion and resurrection changed them. James later became a leader in the church in Jerusalem, and probably wrote the book of James, and Jude is the author of the book that bears his name.
  2. 7:14-24 What is the answer to the Jews’ question in verse 15? Class Comments: He is the Word incarnate! His teaching wasn’t his own; it was from God.
  3. This section seems to include a lot of confusion and controversy about the nature and identity of Christ. Note the confusion and/or controversy in the following passages:
    a. 7:25-27 – The rulers’ reaction indicates they think He is the Christ, but he couldn’t be, because “we know where he’s from.”
    b. 7:28-31 – They knew him, they knew where he was from. He claimed to know God and be from God. They wanted to arrest him, but no one touched him, because his hour had not yet come. But many believed. Would the Christ do any more than this man had been doing?
    c. 7:32-36 – Jesus: I’m going where you will not find me. The crowd thought only in the physical realm. (Would he go outside Judea, to the Jews of the Dispersion – or even to the Gentiles?) He spoke of the spiritual realm, of going to the cross – and beyond, at His ascension.
    d. 7:37-44 – Jesus speaks of living water and the Spirit. The crowd says, “This is the Prophet. This is the Christ.” But it can’t be the Christ, because He will come out of Bethlehem, while this man is from Galilee. (They were apparently ignorant of his birthplace.)
    e. 7:45-52 – The officers were afraid to seize Jesus because of the words he spoke. The priests and Pharisees accused them of being deceived. Nicodemus asks for justice, and the priests and Pharisees accuse him of being a [despicable] Galilean. Other indication of ignorance: They said “No prophet has arisen out of Galilee,” yet that was the home of the prophet Jonah (2 Kings 14:25 – Gath Hepher, 5 miles from Nazareth.
  4. 8:1-11 How did the scribes and Pharisees hope to trap Jesus with this situation? Class Comments: They were trying to make him contradict himself, knowing he would forgive the woman and thereby contradict Moses’ law. Also see Matthew 5:28 – Jesus’ view of adultery was stricter than that of the law. Other notes: This passage is absent in the older Greek manuscripts. It appears in at least three other places in some manuscripts: after John 7:36, after John 21:25, and after Luke 21:38.
  5. 8:12-20 What two witnesses does Jesus call to confirm that He is the light of the world? Class Comments: Himself, and His Father. Contrary to what they say, he is qualified to testify of himself. Other notes: It’s no coincidence that at this festival he calls himself the light of the world. Light ceremonies played a big part in the Feast of Tabernacles in Jesus’ day, according to The Feast of Tabernacles in the Days of Jesus. 
  6. 8:21-30 What is the consequence for those who do not believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be? Class Comments: They will die in their sins. V. 28 – “But when you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I AM.”
  7. 8:31-47 Who is Jesus instructing in this passage? How does their concept of freedom differ from His? Class Comments: He’s instructing Jews who believe him. As Jews who were still subject to the law of Moses, they didn’t understand what he said about spiritual freedom and felt threatened when he implied they were not free. Another misstatement here: They claimed to be under bondage to no one, but they had been in bondage in Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria and were now subjects of Rome.
  8. 8:48-59 What is the significance of how Jesus identifies Himself in verse 58? (Also read Exodus 3:13-15.) Class Comments: He identifies himself as I AM, the name of the God of Abraham. At this, they took up stones to stone him, but he hid himself and left the temple. [His time had not yet come.]

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

John 7 & 8 Questions

  1. 7:1-13 Why did Jesus’ brothers want him to go to the feast in Jerusalem? Why did He decide not to go with them?
  2. 7:14-24 What is the answer to the Jews’ question in verse 15?
  3. This section seems to include a lot of confusion and controversy about the nature and identity of Christ. Note the confusion and/or controversy in the following passages:
    a. 7:25-27
    b. 7:28-31
    c. 7:32-36
    d. 7:37-44
    e. 7:45-52
  4. 8:1-11 How did the scribes and Pharisees hope to trap Jesus with this situation?
  5. 8:12-20 What two witnesses does Jesus call to confirm that He is the light of the world?
  6. 8:21-30 What is the consequence for those who do not believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be?
  7. 8:31-47 Who is Jesus instructing in this passage? How does their concept of freedom differ from His?
  8. 8:48-59 What is the significance of how Jesus identifies Himself in verse 58? (Also read Exodus 3:13-15.)

John 5 & 6 Discussion

  1. 5:1-15 Third Sign. The Jews accused the man of breaking the Sabbath. If that was so, according to Exodus 31:14-15, what should have been his punishment? Class Comments: Death. Even though Jesus knew what the man wanted, Jesus wanted the man to express his desire and his confession of weakness and dependency, just as in our prayers today we express our desires and weaknesses, though God already knows what they are. Verse 14: “a worse thing” refers to the spiritual consequences of sin.
  2. 5:16-23 These days, some say that Jesus never claimed to be God. They say the claim was made later by His disciples, after His death. What does this passage say in that regard? Class Comments: Jesus was the Son of God, was divine, had the attributes of God, gives life.  Verse 18: The Jews interpreted “Son of God” as “equal with God.” People typically become more like their parents as they mature. Sons learn the trades of their fathers.
  3. 5:24-30 According to this passage, who will be our judge? What kind of authority has he been given?Class Comments: Verse 27: Christ. He would execute judgment because he was the Son of Man. Verse 30: His judgment is righteous because of his motive – doing God’s will.
  4. 5:31-47 What five witnesses testify of Jesus? (See verses 33, 36, 37, 39, and 46.) Class Comments: 1) John the Baptist – v. 33; 2) His works – v. 36; 3) the Father – v. 37; 4) the Scriptures – v. 39; 5) Moses – v. 46. Accusation: You don’t even believe Moses!
  5. 6:1-15 Fourth Sign. How much bread and fish did Jesus distribute to the men, according to verses 11 and 12? [Consider: How did the people’s suggestion in verse 15 strip Jesus of authority, in a way?] Class Comments: As much as they wanted. [They wanted to make him an earthly king. It was a mockery, considering he was Creator.] Note the prayer of Jesus in verse 11.
  6. 6:16-24 Fifth Sign. Describe the thoughts and actions of the crowd left behind. Class Comments:  They had seen the disciples get into the only boat, but Jesus hadn’t gone with them. Where could he be?
  7. 6:25-40 What was the crowd looking for Jesus to do for them? What is the work of God? Class Comments:  They wanted food, just like Moses had provided. The work of God is for all to believe in Christ and have everlasting life.
  8. 6:41-59 How do we eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood? According to verse 35, what type of hunger and thirst do these satisfy? Class Comments:  By letting His word become part of us. He is the bread of life, which he gave by dying on the cross. We eat his flesh and drink his blood when by faith we incorporate all he was into our lives, receiving daily nourishment through the Word, just as we must do with physical food. There also may be a reference to eating and drinking of the Lord’s Supper, when the sacrifice is remembered.
  9. 6:60-71 Why do you think many of Jesus’ disciples left at this time? Class Comments: They were not looking for eternal life, did not understand his true mission. Sad verses in this passage: vss. 66, 67 and 70. They were following him, but did not “follow” him, as in understanding him.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

John 3 and 4 - Class Answers

  1. 3:1-8 What does it mean to be born of water and the Spirit? (Other scriptures that speak of water, Spirit or new birth are John 1:26, 33: Acts 2:38; Romans 6:4; Titus 3:4-7.) Comments: It means we must submit ourselves to water baptism by which we receive the Holy Spirit and enter the kingdom of God. Verse 3 says a person “can not” enter the kingdom without both water and the Spirit. In Romans 6:4, Paul teaches that after burial in baptism, we walk in newness of life. Before baptism, we were dead in our sins. In Titus 3:4-7, Paul parallels Christ’s teaching here when he writes that we are saved not by “works of righteousness which we have done” but through the “washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”
  2. 3:9-17 How are Jesus’ statements in verses 15 and 16 both universal and exclusive? In other words, how do they include all people but also exclude some people? (Also see 3:36.) Comments: Salvation through Christ is available to anyone and everyone – in all ages, cultures, and countries – who choose to believe in Him. The statement excludes those who do not believe.
  3. 3:18-21 According to what Jesus says here, why do people avoid acknowledging Him? Comments: Because they prefer the darkness, where their sins are not exposed to the light. Note: As Christians we also need to be sure that when we study God’s word, we let it expose our sins so that we can make the necessary changes, i.e., repent.
  4. 3:22-30 When John’s disciples came to him, what was their complaint? What was John’s attitude? Comments: They complained that this Jesus whom John had baptized was also baptizing and attracting followers. John responded that he had always said he came only to prepare the way for one greater than him. His joy was fulfilled like that of the friend of a bridegroom waiting for the bridegroom to come. Jesus must increase, and John must decrease. We would all do well to emulate John’s humility.
  5. 3:31-36 When we accept Jesus’ testimony, what do we certify, or affirm? Comments: That God is true (v. 33). God gave all things into the hands of the Son.
  6. 4:1-3 Why did Jesus leave Judea and go back to Galilee? Comments: Because the Pharisees heard that he was baptizing more disciples than John. Jesus avoided unnecessary conflict. Later, in John 7:1-9, he will decline his unbelieving brothers’ invitation to “show” himself “to the world” at the Feast of Tabernacles, because the time is not right.
  7. 4:4-9 What did Jesus do that went against the customs of the time? Comments: He spoke to – and took water from – not only a Samaritan, but a Samaritan woman, who would have been shunned by most Jewish men of the time. Verse 4 states that he “needed” to go through Samaria – a moral necessity, maybe? Mark 7:24-30 recounts Jesus’ encounter with the Syro-phoenician woman, and her identification as a “dog.”
  8. 4:10-15 What water did Jesus refer to? How did the Samaritan woman misunderstand it? Comments: He spoke of words of life – everlasting life. She understood it as physical water for a physical thirst. Side note: In 3:21, as an example of what the “light” does, Jesus exposes the woman’s sin.
  9. 4:16-26 What does it mean to worship in spirit? What does it mean to worship in truth? Comments: God is a Spirit, and He received spiritual worship. The geographical location of worship doesn’t matter; attitude does, and so does faith based on truth – that God is One, and that Jesus is His Son. Side note: Notice that the Samaritan woman was looking for a Messiah to explain things – a teaching Messiah, whereas the Jews looked for a Messiah to be their king.
  10. 4:27-38 What was the food that was important to Jesus? What do you think this means? Comments: To do the will of the One Who sent him, and to finish His work – the eternal scheme or redemption, planned before the foundations of the world (Ephesians 1:4). Jesus had a ministry that was more important to him than food. Side note: The disciples didn’t have an understanding of spiritual matters, either. The Samaritan woman looked for physical water; they talked of physical food.
  11. 4:39-42 What caused the Samaritans to believe? Comments: They came to Jesus because of the word of the woman; they believed in Him through His word. Side note: A contrast of Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman: moral Jewish man/immoral Samaritan woman; named/unnamed; upper crust/lower class; dignified/sometimes flippant; no record of bringing anyone/brought the whole city to Jesus.
  12. 4:43-54 Second Sign. What caused the royal official (nobleman) to believe? Comments: The healing of his son. In verse 47, the nobleman believed what he had heard about Jesus; in verse 53, he believed on Jesus.
Note: Looks like I neglected to post the questions on this one. If you need to look at or print the questions only, just click on the the “Download Study Guides” on the right, and you’ll find PDF versions of the Matthew, Mark, and John study guides. –CB

Saturday, September 10, 2011

John 1 and 2 Comments

Personal Note: While preparing these lessons, I came across notes I took back in 1999 in a class taught by the late and much loved brother in Christ, Dr. Dowell Flatt, professor at Freed-Hardeman University. Many of the added notes come from that class. – Cheryl

  1. 1:1-5 What do you discover about the Word in this passage? Who is He? Comments: He was 1) there at the beginning; 2) was with God; 3) was God; 4) necessary for creation; 5) life; 6) the light of men. Note: He was equal with God in 1) transcending time; 2) fellowship; 3) nature. Whereas the other gospels begin with either the birth of baptism of Christ, John begins with theology. His purpose is that men might believe. He is the Christ, the Word who became flesh (John 1:14).
  2. 1:6-9 Who was the man sent from God? What was his purpose? Comments: John the Baptist. He came to bear witness of the light – that all might believe, or trust.
  3. 1:10-13 What is the contrast between those who were “His own” and “children of God”? Comments: “His own” refers to those of his physical family, the Jews. Children of God are those who believe on him. They are born of God.
  4. 1:14-18 Because of the character of the Word, what can we also know about God the Father? (See verses 14 and 17.) Comments: We see God through Jesus. If Jesus is full of grace and truth, so is God the Father. He “dwelt among us,” or, he “pitched His tent with us.” Note: To the Greeks, the gods were distant; to the Jews, God was close only to priests and prophets. But through Christ, He is close to each one of us.
  5. 1:19-28 How did John identify himself in verse 23? How did he answer the Pharisees’ question about baptism? (Also see verse 31.) Comments: As the voice of one crying in the wilderness. John answered that he was baptizing with water, but One is coming whose sandal straps he wasn’t worthy to loose. Verse 31 states that that One would baptize with the Holy Spirit. Note: Loosing sandal straps might be just the thing a servant would do for his master. John says he wasn’t worthy to do even that for the Christ.
  6. 1:29-34 With what two expressions does John identify Jesus in verses 29 and 34? Comments: 1) Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world; 2) Son of God.
  7. 1:35-42 By what names is Jesus known in this passage? What progression in thinking do you see in Andrew, according to how he refers to Jesus? Comments: 1) Lamb of God; 2) Rabbi; 3) Messiah – Christ – Anointed One. In verse 38, Andrew calls him “Rabbi,” or “Teacher.” in verse 41, he calls Jesus the Messiah. Note: In the Jewish culture, a rabbi was more respected than even an earthly father, who merely brings us into this world. A rabbi takes us into the next world. In Judaism were three anointed offices: prophet, priest, and king. Jesus was all three.
  8. 1:43-51 More identities of Jesus! By what names and/or descriptions is he known in this passage? Comments: 1) v. 45 - Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Joseph; 2) v. 47 - Rabbi, Son of God, King of Israel; 3) v. 51 – Son of Man. Note: “Son of Man” was Jesus’ favorite reference to himself. The term appears 13 times in John; 83 times in the other gospels.
  9. 2:1-8 First Sign. When this wedding took place, how many days had passed since John identified Jesus as the Lamb of God (1:29)? Comments: Day 1 – John questions by the Pharisees. Day 2 – John identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God. Day 3 – John’s disciples begin following Jesus. Day 4 – Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael. Class answers varied from 1 to 3. It’s hard to know exactly what “On the third day” refers to. It could be part of this sequence, the third day since He left for Galilee, or even the third day of the wedding feast, which typically lasted 7 days.
  10. 2:9-11 What were the quantity (v. 6) and quality of the wine Jesus produced from water? Comments: Each water pot held two or three firkins (KJV), which would be from 18 to 24 gallons each. The NJKV translates it “20 or 30 gallons” each – a total of 120 to 180 gallons. The quality was better than what the host had served.
  11. 2:12-17 When was another time Jesus cleansed the temple? (See Mark 11:12-17.) Comments: In Mark, the incident was during the last week of his life. Note: It could refer to the same incident, since the writer of the gospel was more concerned about theology than either geography or chronology. There are some differences, though. For instance, no scourge or whip is mentioned in the other accounts (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 20:45-46).
  12. 2:18-24 What sign would demonstrate that Jesus had the authority to cleanse the temple? Why didn’t Jesus “entrust” (NIV) himself to the crowd? Comments: The resurrection from the dead. He didn’t entrust Himself to those who believed because of the signs, because He didn’t need anyone to testify of Him. He knew what they were made of.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

John 1 and 2 Questions

  1. 1:1-5 What do you discover about the Word in this passage? Who is He?
  2. 1:6-9 Who was the man sent from God? What was his purpose?
  3. 1:10-13 What is the contrast between those who were “His own” and “children of God”?
  4. 1:14-18 Because of the character of the Word, what can we also know about God the Father? (See verses 14 and 17.)
  5. 1:19-28 How did John identify himself in verse 23? How did he answer the Pharisees’ question about baptism? (Also see verse 31.)
  6. 1:29-34 With what two expressions does John identify Jesus in verses 29 and 34?
  7. 1:35-42 By what names is Jesus known in this passage? What progression in thinking do you see in Andrew, according to how he refers to Jesus?
  8. 1:43-51 More identities of Jesus! By what names and/or descriptions is he known in this passage?
  9. 2:1-8 First Sign. When this wedding took place, how many days had passed since John identified Jesus as the Lamb of God (1:29)?
  10. 2:9-11 What were the quantity (v. 6) and quality of the wine Jesus produced from water?
  11. 2:12-17 When was another time Jesus cleansed the temple? (See Mark 11:12-17.)
  12. 2:18-24 What sign would demonstrate that Jesus had the authority to cleanse the temple? Why didn’t Jesus “entrust” (NIV) himself to the crowd?

Introduction to John

The Apostle John is usually credited with the authorship of the fourth Gospel. First, the author had to have been an eyewitness of the ministry of Jesus (1:14; 19:35; 21:24). He would have also had a decent familiarity with Palestine before the destruction of the temple in AD 70, and would have been familiar with the Jewish way of life.

Early tradition also identifies the author as John. Irenaeus, a disciple of John's disciple Polycarp, is one of the earliest to associate John with the fourth Gospel. Like the other Gospels, the title "According to John" (KATA IWANNHN) is found in the earliest manuscripts.

Date and Location of Composition
John's Gospel is considered the last of the four canonical Gospels to be written. The majority of scholars date the Gospel in the period AD 90-100, though some have dated it much earlier.

Early church tradition suggests that John composed his Gospel in Ephesus (Asia Minor). An example of this is the testimony of Irenaeus: "Then John, the disciple of the Lord, who had even rested on his breast, himself also gave forth the Gospel, while he was living at Ephesus in Asia."

Purpose and Audience
John specifically states his purpose in 20:31, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." Eusebius argued that John wrote in order to complement the Synoptics where they were lacking, while the Muratorian Canon suggested that his fellow disciples in Asia Minor urged him to write an account.

Themes and Theology
John presents man as belonging to one of two things: the darkness or the light. There is no in between. The darkness is associated with death, while the light is associated with life. This theme is developed throughout the Gospel.

One of the overriding themes throughout the New Testament is that Jesus is the Messiah. In presenting this, John's Gospel also makes it clear that Jesus is God (1:1, 8:57-58 with Exodus 3:14, 10:30-33, 20:28.)
Literary Style, Structure, and Other Issues

The Gospel of John varies from the Synoptic Gospels in many ways. J. Ramsey Michaels categorizes them into two types of variation: 1) the style and content of Jesus' teaching, and 2) the chronology and structure of Jesus' ministry. Another characteristic that sets John apart is his writing style. Concerning this, Clement of Alexandria stated that John was concerned with details and wrote a "spiritual gospel."

1:1-2:11 - Birth and Preparation
2:12-12:50 - Message and Ministry
13:1-21:25 - Death and Resurrection

Source: "The Gospel According to John," New Testament Introductions. Outline from

The Seven Signs of John
1. Turning water into wine (2:1-12)
2. Healing the noblewoman's son (4:46-54)
3. Healing the man at Bethesda (5:1-47)
4. Feeding the 5000 (6:1-4)
5. Walking on Water (6:15-21)
6. Healing the Blind Man (9:1-41)
7. Raising of Lazarus (11:1-57)
GREATEST SIGN: Christ's Resurrection (2:18-22; 20:8-9)

Seven "I AM" Statements
1. I AM the Bread of Life (6:35)
2. I AM the Light of the World (8:12)
3. Before Abraham was, I AM (8:58)
4. I AM the Good Shepherd (10:11)
5. I AM the Resurrection and the Life (11:25)
6. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life (14:6)
7. I AM the True Vine (15:1)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ready to Begin Again?

Hi, everyone! I've created a tentative calendar for our John-Luke-Acts study. It looks like we can start up again on September 8, 2011, and go through May 31, 2012, with three breaks – September 29 (I'll be in Arkansas at a lectureship with Bill – and visiting grandchildren!); Thanksgiving (November 24); and the Thursday before Christmas (December 22).

The Lord willing, we can finish John just before Thanksgiving, Luke at the end of February, and Acts at the end of May. I'm nearly finished with the questions on John – will try to have them printed and published by Friday, September 2, so you can read the introductory material and have time to do the first couple of chapters before we meet on the 8th.

I hope all our "old" local group can come together again. Feel free to bring a friend or two! I really enjoyed all our discussions on Matthew and Mark.

Let me know if the schedule does not work out for you, or if you have suggestions or questions.

If you're participating online only, I hope you'll be able to add to the comments as they're published. allows me to e-mail the blog to ten of you. If you're on that e-mail list, and want to opt out, let me know. You might prefer to look at the blog on your own schedule.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Break

Because of vacations and other summer obligations, the class that meets on Thursday mornings has decided to take a break for the summer. Since we just finished the lessons on Mark and have not started our study of the Gospel of John yet, this seemed like a natural break point.

We (meaning “I”) have also decided to slow down the pace of the original schedule, which called for three chapters a week toward the end of John. I’ll publish a new schedule and the fall start-up date as soon as I’ve calculated the chapters remaining  in John, Luke, and Acts. It would serve us very well, I think, to take holiday breaks in November and December and extend the study through the spring of 2012. I’ll also publish the Gospel of John Study Guide as soon as it’s complete.

I plan to resume these posts in the late summer – probably mid to late August.

Hope to see you then!


Mark 15 and 16 Class Comments

  1. Read Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12. Then read Mark 15. Note the prophetic verses in Isaiah 53 that are fulfilled in Mark 15.
    Isaiah 53:4 and Mark 15:10 – He was unjustly condemned.
    Isaiah 53:5 and Mark 15:20 – They chastised Him.
    Isaiah 53:4-6; 52:14 and Mark 15:15,19 – His visage was marred; he was wounded.
    Isaiah 53:7 and Mark 15:5 – He opened not His mouth.
    Isaiah 53:8 and Mark 15:15 – He was taken from prison and from judgment.
    Isaiah 53:8 and Mark 15:25,37 – He was cut off from the living.
    Isaiah 53:9, 12 and Mark 15:27-28 – He was numbered with the transgressors.
    Isaiah 53:9 and Mark 15:43-46 – They made his grave with the rich.
    Isaiah 53:12 and Mark 15:37 – He poured out His soul unto death.

  2. 16:1-8 Who came to the tomb early on the first day of the week? What did they see? What were they told to do? Whom did they tell? Comments: Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James (the Less), and Salome (wife of Zebedee and mother of James and John). (These same women were mentioned in 15:39.) They saw the stone rolled away and a young man in a long white robe. They were told to see the place where He was laid and to go tell His disciples – and Peter. But out of fear, they told no one.
  3. 16:9-11 After Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and to the two men, whom did they tell? Comments: Mary Magdalene told those who had been with Him (the apostles?), but they didn’t believe her. The two men also told the others, but they didn’t believe them, either. Thomas was not the only one who doubted before they actually saw Jesus in His risen body.
  4. 16:12-16 After rebuking the Eleven for their unbelief, what did Jesus tell them to do? Comments: To go to all the world, preaching to every creature. There was some discussion about whether this instruction was to the apostles only, or to all of us, and also what “every creature” means. Matthew 28:18-20 mentions that they were to teach the disciples to do everything they had been told. And at the time Colossians 1:23 was written, Paul states that the gospel had been preached to “every creature under heaven.”
  5. 16:17-20 What was the purpose of the signs that would follow them? Comments: To confirm the gospel they preached, to prove that all they preached was in Jesus’ name, by His authority, on His behalf, because they belonged to Him (according to our comments on Mark 9:33-42).
  6. 16:19 To where did Jesus ascend? Comments: To be seated at the right hand of God. Note that in Acts 7:56, Stephen, just before his death, sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God, as if He has risen either in concern or in honor of His servant Stephen.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mark 15 and 16

  1. Read Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12. Then read Mark 15. Note the prophetic verses in Isaiah 53 that are fulfilled in Mark 15.
  2. 16:1-8 Who came to the tomb early on the first day of the week? What did they see? What were they told to do? Whom did they tell?
  3. 16:9-11 After Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and to the two men, whom did they tell?
  4. 16:12-16 After rebuking the Eleven for their unbelief, what did Jesus tell them to do?
  5. 16:17-20 What was the purpose of the signs that would follow them?
  6. 16:19 To where did Jesus ascend?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mark 13 and 14 Class Comments

  1. 13:1-3 How do these verses differ from the details in Matthew 24:1-3? Comments: In verse 1, Mark says one disciple showed  him the buildings, while Matthew says it was His “disciples.” In verse 3, Mark names Peter, James, John, and Andrew as the disciples who ask the questions about when the destruction would happen. Mark also lists only two questions to Matthew’s three, though they both ask “when?” and “what will be the signs?”
  2. 13:4-13 In this section, what instructions did Jesus give His disciples for the hard times that were to come? (I see at least five.) Comments: v. 5 – Take heed that no one deceives you into believing they are the Christ; v. 7 – Do not be troubled when you hear of wars and rumors of wars; v. 9 – Watch out for yourselves when you are arrested and beaten; v. 11 – Do not worry about what you will say, because the Holy Spirit will give you the words; v. 11 – Speak whatever He tells you to speak.
  3. 13:14-23 What was the primary purpose for the instructions Jesus gave His disciples for when they would see the abomination of desolation? Comments: To help them escape destruction. When you see the Roman armies coming, get out of Jerusalem!
  4. 13:24-27 In sequence, what three things would happen in those days, after the tribulation? Comments: v. 24 – The heavenly powers would be shaken; v. 26 – The Son of Man would come with power; v. 27 – He will send His angels and gather his elect from all over the earth.
  5. 13:28-31 How does the parable of the fig tree answer the disciples’ question in verse 4? Comments: Just as you can see the signs of summer coming by the leaves on a fig tree, so you will see these things about to happen by the signs I have given you.
  6. 13:32-36 What were Jesus’ instructions to the disciples in this passage? Comments: v. 33 – Take heed, watch and pray, for you don’t know what the time is; v. 35 – Watch, for you don’t know when the master’s coming; v. 37 – Watch! (There will be no warning for the second coming.)
  7. 14:1-2 Why did the chief priests and scribes need to seize Jesus “by stealth”? Comments: Other versions read “trickery” or “craft.” They didn’t want to upset the crowds of people gathered for the approaching Passover.
  8. 14:3-9 Why did some of the disciples criticize the woman for what she was doing? Why might they have been surprised by Jesus’ rebuke? Comments: They thought she was wasting money that could help those in need. Jesus was usually concerned about the poor. But Jesus knew the heart of the woman. She understood what the disciples didn’t seem to understand – that Jesus would soon be crucified. 
  9. 14:10-11 How did Judas fulfill the wishes of the chief priests and scribes? Comments: Judas told them he could deliver Jesus to the chief priests, because he knew Jesus’ habits and where they could find him alone – and under the cover of night, away from the crowds.
  10. 14:12-26 What did Jesus mean when He said the bread was His body and the cup was His blood? How would He drink it “new” in the kingdom of God? Comments: Under the new covenant, the bread would represent His broken body; the contents of the cup would represent His blood. The next time Jesus drank it, it would be in communion with His disciples as they partook of the Lord’s Supper.
  11. 14:27-31 Jesus made two prophecies in verses 27 and 28. To which one did they all respond? Comments: v. 27 – You will all be made to stumble because of Me this night; v. 28 – After I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee. They seem to ignore his second prophecy and focus on themselves, starting with Peter’s emphatic “I will not be made to stumble!”
  12. 14:32-52 Is there a connection between verses 36 and 49? If so, what does it say about the eternal purpose of God? Comments: v. 36 – Jesus prays that the cup will be taken from him; v. 49 – Jesus says the Scriptures must be fulfilled. God’s eternal purpose was the salvation of men’s souls through His Son, and the Old Testament scriptures all point to that moment. God’s Plan was God’s Will.
  13. 14:53-65 Those who abused Jesus told him in verse 65 to “Prophesy!” What had he just done in verse 62? Comments: In verse 62 Jesus had just prophesied of His coming in the clouds, most probably speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem, which they would experience. But they didn’t hear it as a prophecy; they heard it as blasphemy.
  14. 14:66-72 To whom did Peter deny Jesus? How adamant was he? Comments: v. 68 – The high priest’s servant girl; v. 70 – those standing by the servant girl; v. 71 – some standing near him a little later. He swore and cursed to show how adamant he was.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mark 11 and 12 Class Comments

  1. 11:1-10 What kind of preparation did people make for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem? Seeing they mentioned David’s kingdom, what might they have been expecting from Jesus after His entry into Jerusalem? Comments: They spread their clothes and leafy branches on the road. Some went before him, announcing His coming. They might have expected Him to sit on David’s throne, overcoming the oppressive Romans on their behalf. His own apostles seemed to expect this of him even after His resurrection (Acts 1:6).
  2. 11:11-24 How does the cursing of the fig tree relate to the cleansing of the temple? Comments: We had varied answers for this. 1) Both the fig tree and the money changers showed disrespect for God, and Jesus got rid of them both.  2) The money changers were as deceptive as the fig tree. 3) In both cases, Jesus showed His authority.
  3. 11:25-26 Do the verses about forgiveness relate to the previous incidents? If so, how? Comments: One common thread is the subject of prayer. In verse 17, Jesus declared that His house, the temple, was meant to be a house for prayer, not monetary gain. In verse 22, Jesus taught that we must pray without doubting. In verse 25, He taught that when we pray we must also have an attitude of forgiveness. Even with faith, the Father will not grant our request for forgiveness if we are unwilling to forgive others.
  4. 11:27-33 What are the answers to the Pharisees’ questions? Comments: Jesus’ answers to them were the same as their answers to His question. If they couldn’t answer, neither would he. Of course, we know the answers to be that 1) He did these things by His own authority; 2) His authority came from His Father.
  5. 12:1-12 Who or what are represented in this parable by 1) the vineyard; 2) the owner; 3) the vinedressers (tenants); 4) the servants; and 5) the son. Comments: 1) The vineyard was the people (or land) of Israel; 2) the owner was God; 3) the tenants were Jewish religious leaders; 4) the servants were the Old Testament prophets; 5) the son was Jesus Christ.
  6. 12:13-17 What device did the Pharisees and Herodians try to use before they asked their question? Comments: Flattery. Jesus called them hypocrites for their use of it.
  7. 12:18-27 What failing did the Sadducees demonstrate by asking Jesus the question about the resurrection? Comments: They didn’t know the scriptures nor the power of God. They could recite the Levirate law, but they didn’t know the significance of God’s declaration to Moses at the burning bush.
  8. 12:28-34 In what way was the scribe who asked the question “not far from the kingdom of God”? Comments: He knew the right answer to the question (in his head), but he hadn’t made the commitment to do it (in his heart). Uncharacteristic of a scribe, he wisely recognized the value of love above burnt offerings and ritual sacrifices.
  9. 12:35-40 How did Jesus’ warning about the scribes (38-40) relate to their teaching about the identity of Christ (35)? Comments: The Christ, or Messiah, that they expected would, as the Son of David, be an earthly king on an earthly throne who perhaps would share his power with them. In reality, He was David’s Lord, and thereby greater than David. The scribes couldn’t recognize that Christ was standing before them in the person of Jesus. He warned the people that the scribes would be condemned for their arrogance and hypocrisy.
  10. 12:41-44 What lesson can we learn from the widow and her giving? Comments: To give not of what we have in abundance (left over), but sacrificially. Giving means giving up something, to give up things we think we need. The poor widow gave up her security.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mark 9 and 10 Class Comments

  1. 9:2-13 After the Transfiguration, why did Peter make the suggestion he made? What may have been one of the reasons they kept quiet about His resurrection? Comments: Because he didn’t know what else to say; they were all afraid. The disciples didn’t understand what was going on. Moses and Elijah represented the Hebrews’ Law and Prophets. They disappeared from the scene, and God announced that the disciples were to listen only to His Son.
  2. 9:14-29 What was happening as Jesus approached the crowd? What word did the man use that might indicate his lack of faith? (Notice how Jesus repeats it back to him.) Comments: A crowd was gathered around His disciples, who were disputing with the scribes. [Because, in this account, a man interrupted with his question, the scribes never answered Jesus’ question about the nature of the dispute.] Some in the class thought the word was “can”; others thought it was “if.” Both words indicate the man’s lack of conviction that Jesus was able to heal his son. Jesus uses both “if” and “can” when He refers to the man’s faith.
  3. 9:30-32 Why did Jesus not want anyone to know where He was? Comments: Because He was busy teaching His disciples about His betrayal and death.
  4. 9:33-42 What are the three things Jesus mentioned that are done “in My name”? What does that mean? Comments: 1) Receiving a little child (v. 37); 2) Working a miracle (v. 39); 3) Giving a cup of water (v. 41). Various answers given in class for its meaning; 1) By My authority; 2) On my behalf; 3) For My sake; and 4) Because you belong to Me.
  5. 9:43-50 Does Jesus intend for us to cut off offensive hands and feet and pluck out offensive eyes? What teaching technique was He using? How does He describe hell? Comments: Not literally. He is using hyperbole (exaggeration) to make the point. Hell is described as a fire that is never quenched, where their worm (maggot) does not die. Gahenna, translated as Hell, was a place outside the city of Jerusalem where trash was thrown and burned. In the Old Testament, Isaiah 66:24 mentions “their worm.” The class also discussed what “seasoned with fire” in verse 49 meant. We concluded that it has to do with  self-sacrifice. Leviticus 2:13 and Ezekiel 43:24 speak of offering salt with sacrifices. It was also noted that having this “salt” – a spirit of self-sacrifice – within us also creates peace among us.
  6. 10:1-12 How serious is divorce and re-marriage? Comments: A one-word answer: “Very.” Divorce and re-marriage constitute adultery, which breaks one of the Ten Commandments and goes against the original design for marriage: two becoming one. Breaking this unit causes tremendous pain to everyone involved. The corresponding passage in Matthew allows for an exception of sexual immorality, but in such cases, divorce is not required.
  7. 10:13-16 With what kind of attitude should we receive the kingdom of God? Comments: As a little child, when means that we receive it openly, without question. We also receive it as a gift, given to us with no obligation to give anything in return. Our service to God is a result of our gratitude for the gift.
  8. 10:17-22 What did the young man assume about obtaining eternal life before he asked Jesus the question? Comments: That he must do certain things, keep certain commandments. He also assumed that he had done everything he needed to do. Note that among Jesus’ instructions to him was to take up the cross, which to the people of that day indicated a full self-sacrifice, or death.
  9. 10:23-31 What did Jesus mean when he taught that those who have left their houses and families will receive a hundredfold in this life? Comments: Their Christian family will become huge. Physical possessions are much less important than what they would gain in spiritual blessings. This is also a warning against pride, against  relying on physical possessions to give us value.
  10. 10:32-34 Describe the emotions of the disciples and followers as they followed Jesus into Jerusalem. To whom did He reveal the details? Comments: The disciples were amazed; the followers were afraid. (This answer varied with translations. The NKJV doesn’t distinguish  between those who were amazed and those who were afraid.) It was only to the Twelve that He revealed the details of what was going to happen.
  11. 10:35-45 According to their question, what view of the kingdom did James and John appear to have? What were the cup and baptism that Jesus referred to? Comments: They pictured a throne of glory and power, which they hoped to share. The cup and baptism Jesus spoke of seems to indicate some type of persecution they would experience.  Note that in the corresponding passage in Matthew, it’s their mother who asks. Also, James and John may have been remembering Matthew 19:28, where Jesus promises the Twelve that they would sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Note Revelation 5:5-6 and its emphasis on victory through sacrifice. The power of the Lion is seen in the Lamb that was slain.
  12. 10:46-52 Why would the crowd tell Bartimaeus to keep quiet? What was his response to them? Comments: A variety of reasons: Don’t bother him. It’s degrading to beg. Because the sight of beggars was common, their hearts were hardened against him. They thought he was crazy. His status was too low to deserve talking to this celebrity. He was too loud. He only wanted attention.  His response was to cry all the more.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mark 9 and 10

  1. 9:2-13    After the Transfiguration, why did Peter make the suggestion he made? What may have been one of the reasons they kept quiet about His resurrection?
  2. 9:14-29    What was happening as Jesus approached the crowd? What word did the man use that might indicate his lack of faith? (Notice how Jesus repeats it back to him.)
  3. 9:30-32    Why did Jesus not want anyone to know where He was?
  4. 9:33-42    What are the three things Jesus mentioned that are done “in My name”? What does that mean?
  5. 9:43-50    Does Jesus intend for us to cut off offensive hands and feet and pluck out offensive eyes? What teaching technique was He using? How does He describe hell?
  6. 10:1-12    How serious is divorce and re-marriage?
  7. 10:13-16    With what kind of attitude should we receive the kingdom of God?
  8. 10:17-22    What did the young man assume about obtaining eternal life before he asked Jesus the question?
  9. 10:23-31 What did Jesus mean when he taught that those who have left their houses and families will receive a hundredfold in this life?
  10. 10:32-34    Describe the emotions of the disciples and followers as they followed Jesus into Jerusalem. To whom did He reveal the details?
  11. 10:35-45    According to their question, what view of the kingdom did James and John appear to have? What were the cup and baptism that Jesus referred to?
  12. 10:46-52    Why would the crowd tell Bartimaeus to keep quiet? What was his response to them?

Mark 7 and 8 Class Comments

  1. 7:1-13    In the scribes’ and Pharisees’ minds, what was the benefit of keeping their traditions? What was at least one tradition that resulted in neglect of family responsibilities? Comments: They believed that by keeping certain external laws, they were pleasing God, even if their hearts weren’t right. Traditions are a source of comfort – the reason so many enjoy keeping family traditions. It helps you know where you’ve come from. In naming possessions as “Corban” (dedicating them to God while still retaining their use), they neglected one of the Ten Commandments, which was to honor their parents. “Corban” couldn’t be used to help their parents.
  2. 7:14-23    Does verse 15 mean that there can be no harm from eating with unwashed hands? Comments: Jesus is talking about the heart being defiled, not the physical body. Unwashed hands can lead to the spread of disease, but the Pharisees and scribes were religious leaders, not doctors. Yet they seemed to be more concerned about physical than spiritual defilement. Complaining, gossiping, and negative talk harm both ourselves and those who listen to us.
  3. 7:24-30    After debating with Jewish leaders about their traditions, where did Jesus go? Can you estimate by the map how far he traveled? Was it primarily a Jewish or Gentile region? [See Appendix 1, Geographical Notes.] Comments: Tyre was about 35 miles away, and Sidon a further 20 miles. When Jesus went back to the Sea of Galilee, He made a circuitous route, going southeast from Sidon down into Decapolis (region of 10 cities). Tyre and Sidon were primarily Gentile. He went up there, not wishing to be discovered, but the SyroPhoenician woman found Him anyway.
  4. 7:31-37    What did Jesus do before he spoke the words that healed the man who was deaf and had a speech impediment? Comments: He 1) took the man aside, 2) put his fingers in the man’s ears, 3) spat [on his finger?], 4) touched the man’s tongue, 5) look up into heaven, and 6) sighed. Again, He instructed witnesses not to tell anyone, but “the more He commanded them, the more widely they proclaimed it.” They were all astonished.
  5. 8:1-10    What were the only circumstances under which the crowd would leave? Comments: My original thought on this was that He had to send them away before they would go (verses 3,9), that physical food was not on their minds. Other comments were that they had to eat before they could leave, and Jesus provided that. Also, they stayed for healing, and maybe because they didn’t want to miss anything!
  6. 8:13-21    With what tone of voice do you hear Jesus saying the words recorded in verses 17 through 21? What did the disciples not understand? Comments: He chided them, with the tone of voice that might say, “Just how dumb are you"? As their Savior, He was sad and exasperated. He was thinking about the bad influence of the Pharisees, and they were thinking about physical bread. Even though they had been eager to follow Jesus, they still had a cultural tradition of keeping the physical laws required by the Mosaic law, especially as it was taught by the religious leaders of the day..
  7. 8:22-26    What is unique about the healing of the blind man of Bethsaida? Comments: It appears to happen gradually, unlike the deaf man in 7:31-37, who was immediately healed. One suggestion was that maybe the man’s faith needed to be increased gradually, since it was his friends that brought him to Jesus. Did the word steadfastly used in the American Standard Version have any bearing on this? Other translations translate it “looked intently,” “looked up,” and “his eyes were opened.” According to Strong’s Dictionary, the transliterated Greek word is diablepō, which means “to look through, penetrate by vision, to look fixedly, stare straight before one, to see clearly.”
  8. 8:27-33    What connection might there be between verses 29 (Peter’s confession) and his rebuke (verse 32)? Comments: Peter was confused – and maybe also a little over-confident. How could someone he had just confessed as the Messiah be subject to the humiliation Jesus described? The side note in the Women’s Study Bible suggests that the reason Jesus cautioned His disciples not to tell anyone exactly who He was is because they still didn’t understand His mission..
  9. 8:34-9:1    What does it mean to take up your cross? How do the verses that follow explain what it means? Comments: To take up a cross is to deny oneself, to be willing to give our lives, to not be ashamed of the gospel. To the people living at that time, the cross meant death. To take up your cross was to be on the road to crucifixion.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mark 7 and 8

  1. 7:1-13 In the scribes’ and Pharisees’ minds, what was the benefit of keeping their traditions? What was at least one tradition that resulted in neglect of family responsibilities?
  2. 7:14-23 Does verse 15 mean that there can be no harm from eating with unwashed hands?
  3. 7:24-30 After debating with Jewish leaders about their traditions, where did Jesus go? Can you estimate by the map how far he traveled? Was it primarily a Jewish or Gentile region? [See Appendix 1, Geographical Notes.]
  4. 7:31-37 What did Jesus do before he spoke the words that healed the man who was deaf and had a speech impediment?
  5. 8:1-10 What were the only circumstances under which the crowd would leave?
  6. 8:13-21 With what tone of voice do you hear Jesus saying the words recorded in verses 17 through 21? What did the disciples not understand?
  7. 8:22-26 What is unique about the healing of the blind man of Bethsaida?
  8. 8:27-33 What connection might there be between verses 29 (Peter’s confession) and his rebuke (verse 32)?
  9. 8:34-9:1 What does it mean to take up your cross? How do the verses that follow explain what it means?

Mark 5 and 6 Class Comments

  1. 5:1-20 In this incident, what do both the demons and Jesus do that you might not expect of them? Comments: The demons worshipped Jesus through the man. (See James 2:19.) Jesus 1) negotiated with the demons and granted their wish, 2) put them into something else, in this case, swine.
  2. 5:21-24, 35-43 What is the significance of Jesus’ command to the girl? What other orders did He give? Comments: 1) In verse 41, he doesn’t tell her to “wake up,” or “arise from the dead.” He tells her to stand up, like she was already alive. When He told the mourners she wasn’t dead, but just sleeping, had He already raised her ? 2) It was instantaneous. The moment He touched her hand, she was fully awake, mobile, and hungry.

    Other orders?  1) He told the ruler not to be afraid, but to believe; 2) He told those following Him to stay behind, except for Peter, James and John; 3) He told everyone to leave the room (except for the parents and the three apostles); 4) He commanded them not to tell anyone; 5) He told them to give the girl something to eat. [It just occurred to me that the reason Jesus told the crowd that she was just sleeping was so they wouldn’t know that He had actually raised her from the dead.]
  3. 5:25-34 Why was the woman with the issue of blood healed? Comments: Because of her faith. She not only had faith, she acted on her faith, by touching the hem of His garment.
  4. 6:1-6 What was stronger than the evidence Jesus’ hometown people saw with their own eyes? What was Jesus’ reaction? Comments: Prejudice. They were too familiar with Him as a child growing among them. They saw only what they were pre-disposed to see.
  5. 6:7-13 When Jesus sent out the Twelve, what were they to take with them? Comments: A staff, sandals, and only one tunic (no changes of clothing). They were to rely on God’s providence and the generosity of their neighbors. (Also see 1 Corinthians 9:14.)
  6. 6:14-29 What was Herod’s attitude toward John before John’s death? What about after his death? (Also see Matthew 14:1-12.) Comments: He feared John, because he was a just and holy man; in Matthew it says he also feared the multitude. But apparently he had a greater fear of Herodias and her daughter Salome. Afterwards he thought that Jesus might be John risen from the dead. Coming back to haunt him, perhaps? (Burton Coffman’s comment on Mark 6:17 provides background on the Herods in the New Testament. A particularly critical sentence: The Herods’ names in the New Testament recur “like a sour note in a symphony.”
  7. 6:30-44 What had Jesus’ planned to do when He and the apostles sailed to the other side of the lake? What was His attitude when His plans were changed? Comments: He had planned to rest a while with the apostles. When people followed Him, He had compassion on them because of their need for leadership, for teaching, because they were ignorant of God’s will. Jesus’ compassion always led to action.
  8. 6:45-52 At least two miracles are recorded in this passage. How are they different from other miracles that Jesus did, which usually involved healing people? Comments: 1) He walked on water; 2) The wind ceased when He entered the boat. Neither of these miracles had anything to do with people. And both seemed to happen in the natural course of events. The ability to walk on water and calm the sea was just a part of who Jesus was.
  9. 6:53-56 Identify words in this section that indicate how desperate the crowds were for healing. Comments: Ran – wherever – begged – began to carry on beds.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mark 5 & 6

  1. 5:1-20 In this incident, what do both the demons and Jesus do that you might not expect of them?
  2. 5:21-24, 35-43 What is the significance of Jesus’ command to the girl? What other orders did He give?
  3. 5:25-34 Why was the woman with the issue of blood healed?
  4. 6:1-6 What was stronger than the evidence Jesus’ hometown people saw with their own eyes? What was Jesus’ reaction?
  5. 6:7-13 When Jesus sent out the Twelve, what were they to take with them?
  6. 6:14-29 What was Herod’s attitude toward John before John’s death? What about after his death? (Also see Matthew 14:1-12.)
  7. 6:30-44 What had Jesus’ planned to do when He and the apostles sailed to the other side of the lake? What was His attitude when His plans were changed?
  8. 6:45-52 At least two miracles are recorded in this passage. How are they different from other miracles that Jesus did, which usually involved healing people?
  9. 6:53-56 Identify words in this section that indicate how desperate the crowds were for healing.